Friday, June 6, 2014

Hit And Run

Hit and run.

This has been a common theme, lately, and seemed an applicable one to return to the blog with.  What with the blog itself being a bit of a hit and run with its one public post in six months.  I suppose I could un-hide the dozen or so other posts I wrote up on here, but that seems probably a bad idea, given there was likely a reason they weren't public to start with.

Fortunately, I have not been subject to the literal, commonplace meaning of the term.  No fender-benders coupled with the squeal of getaway tires.  No vehicular scratches or dings, and no calls to roadside assistance or the police.  Or frantic calls to the fiance.  Knock on whatever plastic composite material this bathtub is made of!

But the metaphorical hit and runs abound.

In my little slice of heaven retail employment, I have a New Boss.  My coworkers have given him a nickname that very specifically references that German fellow with the funny mustache at the heart of World War II who disliked people different from himself.  Being the HR-friendly member of the workplace that I am, I simply refer to him as 'Drive-by.'

Drive-by comes from a very foreign land, the Sales Floor.  Since we are an entirely Services-driven department, Drive-by has many ways different than our own, and I suspect he has been feeling some 'fish out of water' syndrome.  At least that might explain why he spends so little time in our area.  Anyway, the point is, Drive-by has a propensity to blow into our area, slowing down to a mad dash speed, lobbing questions and orders and suggestions and commentary but not really sticking around long enough to get any answers or feedback.

"Are you going to do bibbitybop?"
Do I get it done every day? / Probably after I finish the snickertik I'm up to my eyeballs in at the moment. / Yup.

"What's going on with this Mrs Thangtangle?"
Well, we do have an electronic record keeping system with 6 pages of notes documenting every interaction with Mrs Thangtangle you could look at so you don't sound like a clueless clod. / Let me McNugget the information you have at your fingertips, so it fits your attention span. / What would you like to know about her?

So there's that.

There have also been a lot of hit and run off-hand remarks, snide comments and jokes floating around in my world lately.  The sort of thing where none of them are particularly meaningful in themselves, but in aggregate result in some dispiriting internal dialogue.  And probably somewhat more wine than was strictly necessary.

A rude or unkind comment on a facebook post or photo. But it had a sticky-out-tongue-face so it mustn't be hurtful, right?

A casual remark from Drive-by that he's not really worried about training anyone to do what I do when I'm going to be away FOR A MONTH and that they'll just wing it.   Doesn't what I do literally facilitate the entire department doing all their functions?  Not important at all.

Friends who habitually over promise and then under deliver.  Oh, ok.  It is totally no big deal that you can't be bothered to do those wedding-related things you promised you'd do.  Not an inconvenience at all.  Why would I be mad?

People who didn't quite make the guest list (because this isn't a 500 person event, and you can't possibly have everyone, you know?) going around making people who were invited feel uncomfortable and throwing around daggers about not making the cut.  I deal with puffed up, self-entitled customers all day long, you are not the Very Important Person you think you are. / Tell me again about all those cook-outs and dinner parties and functions you've never invited us to any of. / You are a grown-assed (literally) adult.  Make an attempt to act like it.

There are other examples bouncing around in what remains of my mind, but I think you get the gist.  Feeling rather dinged up and banged around. And not in the good way, if you know what I mean.  Which, piled on top of the constant level of physical creaky and brokenness that is just my daily life, plus all the really awesome and fun meetings and parties and appointments (because, there are heaps of wonderful things happening right now!), leads to a whole lot of The Wine And I Are Not Getting Out Of Bed Today.